星期四, 4月 20, 2006

迦太基的特土良(Tertullian of Carthage, 主后 160 - 220)

Quintus Septimius Florens Tertullian was born to pagan parents in Carthage, North Africa between 155-160 A.D. A lawyer by profession, he converted to Christianity in 193 A.D. and became a Catholic apologist until 212 A.D., when he succumbed to the Montanist heresy (among other beliefs they held that sins committed after baptism could not be forgiven and practiced a severe asceticism). His writings during his period of orthodoxy arguably represent the first in the new vernacular of the West, Latin, by a Christian author. His prolific writings are often quoted by later Christians, especially Jerome and Augustine. His most famous work entitled simply, "Apology" is preserved in no less than 36 codices. Written about 197 A.D., it's most quoted phrase is, no doubt, "The blood of martyrs is the seed of Christians!" Tertullian wrote many other works, some of which are quoted below. He died between 220-230A.D.
